Single Historic Letter
Instead of our Collections, you can order a single letter that includes one historical letter and a page of description and a transcript. If you have a particular time period in mind that you know you or someone else is interested in. Then this allows you to order a specific individual letter including the following authors.
Isaac Newton, 1676: Discover the theory of colour
Henry Clinton, 1777: The American Revolution war
Queen Victoria, 1865: On the death of Abraham Lincoln
Florence Nightingale, 1879: Her everyday work
Winston Churchill, 1942: The North African Front
Harold Macmillan, 1956: The Suez Canal Crisis
What’s included in a single letter?
✉️ One letter will contain a reproduced letter from a famous historical figure. In addition to this there will be a transcript of the contents and page that details about the author and contents of the letter.
🏷️ Our Historic Letters is often purchased as a gift for someone else. On selecting a letter you can choose to have customised digital gift letter created to give to your recipient before they recieve their letter.
🕯️ Every letter is carefully put together the day before posting by hand. All letters are presented in a linen textured envelope with a classic red wax seal that will make the letters stand out in your post.
📫 All letters are sent via second class royal mail which is included in the total price.
🌲 A small contribution to the National Trust is made with every order which is put towards planting new trees.